You bet I shrieked!
Tapped her hand a tad too hard to make it fall. Nunu was too surprised to feel any pain. I quickly kicked the roach away from her & threw it away using a tissue.
Berangan nak pakai hairclip
Maybe I should show her a 'live' cockroach. Baru dia tahu takut.
siapa yang berangan nak pakai? nunu ke? mak dia?
i LOL literally when i read abt the dead cockroach... LOL!
Anne, you actually touched the cockroach (albeit with a tissue)?? What I usually do is use a clothes peg from the laundry basket. No way in hell am I ever gonna touch a disgusting insect like that!
eiyer moby, what an insectist! (macam racist and elitist gitu)
Ai? Tukaq layout? It's been a while since I last been here. Nice and clean.
Sure you basuh tangan Nunu with sebongkah sabun kan?
mamasarah, kuikui u get my drift
hana, my heart was racing u know! terperanjat beruk! takut nunu kutip masuk mulut!
moby, have to be man enuff lah (ehem). No time to look for newspaper to pick it up. Nway, i don't have a phobia or anything towards them.
dyanna, we spent a good amount of time at the sink :)
i ni besar punya penakut creepy crawlies. i will wait for my hubby to balik and throw whatever insect yg dah mampos dek di sembur dengan satu can of mortein. janganlah nuha buat kerja ni, eeek!
thank you nunu for giving me an idea on how to terrorise my ibu. the clip looks good on you but how long did it actually stay there aunty anne ;) ?
Wah Nunu! So daring! Baguslah kalau tak takut lipas...boleh jadi pest controller kat rumah (tapi mesti pakai glove ke tisu ke cloth peg ke tau!!!)(APA DAHHHH unkle moby ni...)
Nunu pandai tangkap cicak tak? Aunty TAKUTTTT cicak. Nanti Aunty nak train Ooyah jadi cicak catcher (MESTI pakai glove punya lahhh...)
By the way, you look beautiful, hunnybunch, with the clip!
pinky, ah ah. satu geng ler awak ni ngan si moby tu :)
nuha, mean u havent done this before? hehe with tht much hair, how do u suppose the clip stays there at all? Tak lekat langsung!
aunty fadelinah, if she sees a dead lizard lying around, of coz she can catch it! nyehnyeh oooh tq for the compliment. Dia nak lawan ooyah with those cutesy toncets of hers :D
ooOOOoooOOoooo new layout :) but i liked your old one!
:) anyway i've answered your tag. sorry it took me so long. I basically had to choose a less risque image for my desktop (my desktop image is set to grab a photo automatically from Flickr every 12 hours), tidy up the icons and you know ... trim it here and there.
hehe... cannot beat the act of actually chomping on a centipide. Thank god aliya's teeth have not decided to sprout out yet. Mesti ulat gonggok tu pening2 lalat lepas tu!!
mynn, u do? but the old one looks messy ah, bak kata orang tu. Tak aci la trim your desktop for the sake of the meme. Tht beats the whole purpose leh :)
hi there mommy adlan & aliya! omg she did WHATTTT? ni kes tak sempat nak larang la ni hehe. Fear factor betul anak dara tu eh? I assume the gonggok survived the ordeal?
im not afraid of creepy crawiles either, nunu but i was taken aback when i was rummaging the esbok yesterday and i accidentally untied a bag of taugehs! i ran to ibu, tapping my chest. they are just too many of them. eeks!
Amboi beraninya cucuku, ucue nampak lipas pun menjerit satu rumah.
aisyah, are u afraid or just startled at the sight of squiggly taugehs?
ucue, nunu kan dia takut tgk iklan tok mudim kat TV9 tu! harhar maybe sbb dia tgk budak2 sumer lari so dia pun nak lari. Tapi iklan citer horror selamba jerk dia tgk
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