I can practically hear the island calling ('panggilan pulau' duh.. hehe OK cut it out) No lah, actually it was a call from an old friend that prompted me to pack up our bags (it took bags and more bags just for an outing yah, I realized) and Nunu's stroller (white-elephant no more) and head for Penang Bridge, ready to battle it out in the holiday traffic.
Fortunately, the traffic was rather mild. Picked up Acue at her old apartment near USM and made the compulsory visit to Queensbay Mall. Parking was an issue, as there were only one level available, but thanks to a friendly Mr. Bangla, we finally got a nice spot.
I appreciate Acue's help with our stuff, as it is impossible to keep up with the excited little one. I had to give in and let Nunu taste (more like gobble up) our cakes and juices because she was disturbing other customers with her erratic shouting.
Dah kasi belon pun tak puas hati lagi...
Once she was unstrapped from the stroller to get on the escalator, she wriggled herself free from my arms and scuttled all over the women's & babies department.
Each time she saw these racks, she insisted on taking a break to "dud-dok". Siap tepuk2 lagi suruh kita duduk sebelah
It was good timing that when she finally got crabby, I discovered this nice baby room available at the mall, all equipped with basic necessities. Tell you the truth, I've never been to a baby room in a mall before (yup, so jakun makcik kampung ni!)
That's my butt print over there
Although Nunu didn't need a change, I thought, whathehell, bukan senang nak jumpa baby room best camni weh!
More pics coming right up!
Don't you just love the canggih-ness of Queensbay? I haven't been to it's toilets yet, but I bet it supersedes Gurney Plazas. (My own way of rating canggih-ness is by looking at the toilets.)
I tot you r staying ON the island..I guess that's just an assumption I made. Now, where are you from again?
kampung Pokok Sena, Kepala Batas. Kawasan Pak Lah kesayangan kita :D
oh ya, sayang tak gi toilet dia. Kena bayar berapa kupang ah?
haa, anne tak pernah masok baby room kat mall?? :D
btw those look just like the one at jusco, jb. wait.. have you even been to jb..?
hana, betooool. Tak bedek. But I have changed nunu's diaper on the pay counter of a small baby shop. hehe
jb pun i pegi masa konvo my bro kat utm dulu. ahha.. jusco sumer standardize the baby rooms kot? this is in jusco penang
Taking pics of baby rooms at malls. I thought I was reading Hana's blog seh! Hehe! :P
i stop short of actually doing a review :D
ahhh no wonder lahhh, jusco jugak, lol!
oi moby, u just reminded that i've LOST all my baby room reviews in the old blog... THANKS! *wekkkkkk*
kesian hana :( biarlah, usah dikenang
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