Everything's beyooootiful in Steve's eyes
Mama told me yesterday. I can't believe the Crocodile Hunter is gone. The gung-ho larrikin whom we ALL loved making fun of. The world won't be the same about him now. No wilderness adventure I see on TV will ever match the fun and laughter he brought to his audience.
There's still Jeff Corwin, thanks heavens, but he's on the list of People Magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People" and he's just plain mad (the kind of cooky-crazy people who's on TV to entertain) , but Steve... dear darling Steve... I'll remember him for his 'regular Aussie bloke accent', his safari coloured costumes & pallor... and most of all, his genuine unpretentious passionate personality. At least he died doing what he loved best- in action, in the wild and in his elements.
I hope Terri & her two kids will find a rainbow after this storm.
Here's where you can read all about the passing of Steve Irwin.
I do seem like to talk about dead people a lot, ain't I? If I'm not mistaken, this will be the 5th time- 6th if I DID post my entry about the tragic passing of the dashing actor Hani Mohsein, the Roda Impian host and how brave her young daughter was, Hani Karmila, dealt with it. But I scrapped the idea because I didn't want to appear so morbid, talking about dead people so much.
i wanted to post the same thing.
seriously can't believe the crocodile hunter is dead. but looking at his crazy stunts with animals, it's not that shocking to hear.
he will be missed. i like his shows.
Wan nyampah tul tengok dia, asik kejar buaya ngan ular.. paling geli sekali dia main-main dengan ular.. eiiii... bila dengar dah mati, wan cakap kesian ya..
mynn, ada orang lagi takde hati perut. Dah lah steve dah p.a, kan pastu dia cakap "ha lepas ni it's corwin & austin pulak!"
ucue, eheheh anne cam boleh imagine je kalau Wan kutuk2 org kat TV ni, pastu tjk simpati la pulak bila dah mati.. ekekke.. kelakarlah Wan ni. Saaaaayang Wan..
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