Conversation with a grieving widow:
*broke into tears as soon as Hubby enters the living room before me*
"He's already gone, Sham."
"I'm doing so well, but thank you for asking. Thank you for the lovely flowers too."
"He was paralysed but concious all the time after the accident, passing out every now and then, but he always come around. In the 30 over days he was hospitalized, I saw him pass out so many times, over and over again, it was so stressful for me. I can't take it, can't take it to see him like that."
"But died of respiratory failure. It was his spinal cord - the injury is too serious, but he was fighting for his life all the while. "
"We were on our way back from KL. We took the highway and our son is driving. He said, 'You drivelah, I want to sit at the back with your mother.' He was reading the newspaper when our son tried to avoid two bikes, you know the big bike type, like a Harley, which suddenly overtook our car. No signal, no nothing. He hit the highway divider, but it wasn't a hard crash or anything. We were not even driving fast, you know. There's very little damage to the car. I'm OK, our son is OK, and it's puzzling everyone how he became unconcious. The doctors didn't believe us. The police didn't believe us."
"And those bikes just drove away like nothing happen. Maybe they didn't even realize what they have caused."
"You know, Sham? When we were at the Ipoh hospital, he kept asking me, 'Nolah, take me home. Take me home. I don't want to stay here.' I said, 'How? There are wires everywhere on your body. There's a machine hooked to your throat. If I take them off, you know what will happen to you?' And he said, "Pleaselah, if I die also, it will be in your hands (I think he meant to be in your arms) and if I die also I want to die in our house."
"And he was always joking, joking, joking around. And see, what he said came true. You know, Sham, all the while I'm married to him, I never saw him cry. You also know, right, what a jovial person he was. But everytime I came to see him at the hospital, I saw the tears got all dried up at the corners of his eyes. He cannot even wipe his own tears, Sham."
"Once he joked that if he dies, I'll be a very rich widow. I said to him, 'I don't want money, I want only you.' There's so much money now, but I don't know what to do with them. I don't need them, I have my own money, my pensions and all. Money means very little now."
"At least he went away peacefully, and I was beside him. At one time, he was really struggling and I called everyone to come to the hospital. Usually it was a false alarm and his heartbeat would go up again. This happens so many times they all took their own sweet time to reach the hospital. By 10.30 am he was gone already.
"He was a very good man. His funeral was full of flowers, and a lot of people came to pay him their last respects."
"Thank you for coming, dear. Very sweet of you. How old is your baby now, anyway? Oh, seven months. Must be very cute. At this stage, they do all sorts of cute things, babbling & crawling."
"Please come and visit us again sometime. Bring along you daughter next time."
Accidents are a scary thing. Everyday, I fear for my life and Nunu's when we hit the road. After this sad chat, I promise myself that I'll be extra careful and never go fast when Nunu's around.
So you guys out there. Beware of the big bikes.
sedihnya baca.. cam nk nangis lak..
Yeah, big bikes, small bikes, all very dangerous, especially when the rider is hell-bent on being the next MotoGP champion, disregarding everybody else's safety, especially his/her own.
to be fair, i think we should be careful when on the road at all times. i've ridden pillion with my hubby for many years and i've not only seen reckless riders but drivers too. sometimes it's just thoughtful consideration for fellow road users, give and take a little and courtesy goes a long way. be safe, y'all!
ouhh, a little cousin of mine living in KL died on the spot when a 4-wheel-drive ran him down abt 2 yrs ago. i think malaysian roads are very scary. drive safe, mak nunu. :S
yah...i tink it's not just bikes...those taxis, cars..those who dun practise safety. it's scary. and i think i won't ever drive on malaysia...too lil experience.
what i meant is the two hell's angels, y'guys!Of course, hellish motorists come in all forms, shapes & sizes - not juz superbikers.
I accept the fact that we can die anywhere anytime. I just pray i dont die on the road.
Ucue, masa jumpa mrs. rani tu anne tak rasa nak nangis sgt, just comfort & dgr jek citer dier. Masa type baru rasa sedih, sbb mr. rajoo ni baik ngan anne. selalu beli komputer anne :(
best regards, nice info » » »
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