What a sweetie. You got me a giant fridge, a new kitchen cooker, a DVD plater, a water heater AND perfume? You shouldn't have, dear. I still have that bottle of Incanto from Abah, and the Pleasures Intense from your hantaran gift, and that old bottle of ... erm, can't remember the brand - but it's really old!
Don't look at me like that! Haven't you heard of side effects of strong smelling perfume on your kid's brain?
Anyway, back to the Body Shop perfume. I was introduced to this when I was room mates with Farah during our USM matriculation year. (Flashback cue: You can visualize us in black-and-white now). I didn't have to buy my own bottle coz Farah was generous enough to let help myself with a lil dab every now and then. The colour was a little amber at that time, and the smell is much much stronger. We had fun smelling like a pastry shop around the campus, and everytime we noticed people in our class make sniffing sounds and ask each other "Hey, who brought cake?"
(Back to the world of technicolor) I'm a little dissapointed the smell is a whole lot milder now. I mean, last time I could dab vanilla essence on my wrists for all I care and still people won't know the difference. But I guess they added other elements to the bottom notes or something, which makes it smell nothing like vanilla.
But thanks anyway, honey. You won't have to buy me perfume for at least 3 years (or anything else, for that matter :)
jadi kek bergerak..
hehe, kek mmg bleh bergerak ucue. Bergerak ke arah mulut!
Is smelling like food the in thing now? My hair smells like coconuts. Perfume smelling like cake. Mmmm ...... :D
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