Tuesday, May 02, 2006


When you think the madness is over, somehow your child decided to give you a little scare and sent your life all topsy-turvy again.

Help, momma! I'm sick again!

On Saturday evening Nunu's head was burning hot. She didnt wail like she was in pain or anything, but she whimpered, oh how she whimpered! It was so heart-wrenching to see her in that condition, with her tiny sobs and hot tears brimming in her eyes. As if she was too tired to cry - arms stretched out to me, begging me to hug and hold her.

She drifted in and out of a fitful slumber, sent me scampering to wet towels for her forehead to bring the temperature down. She was coughing endlessly, which worried me the most. She refused to feed, but guzzled down 3 oz of water, threateningly retching to bring up all the expectoration in her chest.

Again I was alone to face this predicament. Daddy was MIA, only to be back at midnight and by then, too late to go to a clinic.

Sunday morning was spent at the clinic. Nunu was still lembik and unsmiling from all the action the night before, but things looked a little better when she saw some children playing at the clinics play corner and she curiously stared.

After a short feed and a diaper change, we went into the doctor's room. Nothing prepares me for this - all of the sudden, Nunu looked 10x better! She was all frisky again, did tummy flips and played bubble spits, even tugged at the doc's stethoscope once! After the check, the doc found her chest almost cleared, her tonsils only slightly red - and best of all, no boogers in sight!

She was so convincing in her act that the doctor, perplexed at my panic state of prattling about Nunu's symptoms and that made me believe that my child is truly ill, said to Nunu humorously "Well, you dont look that sick to me!"


Thank God she's showing signs of recovering for good now. The fever's down but she's still coughing. And she's such a jumpy sleeper.


moby said...

Good to know that Nunu is super again! Maybe she decided that being sick is no fun and she wants to play.

Anonymous said...

you're right, brother booboo. Being sick is so boring. My momma says when i'm sick i put on my serious 'ketua darjah' face and everybody around me also 'merajuk' and dont want to play with me.


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