1. I'm sure she's hit the 6kg mark. The last check-up she was close - 5.8kg. Hey, that's hefty enuff for me. She's been feeding well - I suspect she preferred the bottle coz babysitter kept marvelling at how frequent she wants to feed and how fast she finishes a bottle.
2. Her limbs are all chubby-wubby now. Not only has she outgrown her supposedly for 3-month-olds clothes, she's outgrown all her booties too , and I desperately need to get 'em new booties/socks, like , right now. Yeah, another reason to visit that popular baby shop later.
3. She's beginning to focus her attention to an object in front of her, i.e toy, flower, fish, TV, dangly stuff animals on the mobile & playgym, and reaches for them too! Usually they end up in her mouth. That's also when she discovered that her fingers can touch and hold things. The other day while driving her to the babysitter's place, I tried to entertain her with a cow rattle. She never paid the cow any attention before that, but that day she coolly plucked it from my hand and bit it!
4. She prefers to stand, not lie down, while someone holds her. She can stand longer than we can hold her, y'know. Ah, and most of the time, she'd jump, squirm and flap her hands.
5. She'd learn how to vocalise - ehem, pretty effectively. Yup, effectively LOUD. If she's pleased, she'd gurgle and shriek. If she's angry, tired, hungry, sleepy, she can scream bloody murder. All in all, she likes the sound of her voice now, and is experimenting with new sounds every day.
6. She's responsive to colours, sounds, music, smell and erm- sports. She's higly excited over football, hockey and rhythmic gimnastics during the recent Commonwealth Games. She even watches those cross country events on StarSports.
7. She clearly recognise my face, as well as her daddy's, Mak Tok's, Wan's and the babysitter's. And she'd flash that heart-melting smile once she sees us.
8. Sleeping pattern is some clear-cut now, especially in the morning. But it peeves me when she'd behave and sleep throughout her daytime naps, but fret and fuss at night. If I'm lucky, she'd wake up just once at night. If I'm not, she'll decide to have a playtime at 3 am!
9. She's beginning to poo less frequently now, about once a day. But my, does she REALLY poo. Hubby was aghast at how much a baby's small tummy can expel that much waste.
10. And I guess the most significant one is her ability to ROll OVER from side to side now. YEAY! Though she can pretty much be stubborn and just lie helplessly there, hoping we'd pick her up.
That's it. 10 major physical, mental, and behavioral progress of Nunu, the effervescent kiddo.

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