Due to the much hype and curiosity garnered from Hana’s blog, of the dynamic duo izadnhana fame (now trio) and fuelled by my own sick fascination for the macabre world, I conducted an experiment involving non-scientific methodology devoid of any chemical or biological hypotheses.
The mad scientist has no test tubes, so this empty jam jar is suffice to accommodate the meager amount of the aforementioned substance.

Note the colour of the white creamy substance.

Place the jar in a pot of boiling water with a pair of sterilized tongs.

Fiuh, fiuh – careful of the steam.
After an hour, the mad scientist had very little patience and decided to fire up the Bunsen burner to the max, and the RESULT:

White creamy substance has turned into ugly semi-liquidified goo of unidentified color.
Before y’all freak out, the milk didn’t become bloody or pinkish. It was just simply burnt, and smelt like crème brulèè.
It is questionable whether the experiment was a failure, or the story is just a fabrication of a wild belief, a gruesome myth, a non-sensical horror story people like to spread around for their own self-gratification (in my case, the nurse who dared me “Kalau tak percaya, cubalah”.
If anyone comes up with the same experiment and the outcome is positive, I’m sure it’s a hoax.
But until next time, when the mad scientist acquires more of the precious, ‘limited edition’ substance in subject, she has no misgivings of undertaking other methodologies for this particular experiment. Perhaps the direct sunlight will do it.
Any volunteers to partake in this experiment? Some BM samples, maybe?
i can practically smell creme brulee just by looking at the last pic! lol! actually, milk smells real nice when i iron milk stains out of my clothes (in desperate times, too lazy to wash it off.. oops).
i guess the turn-to-blood thing is an urban (kampung?) myth... or perhaps the trick is to leave in direct sunlight for a few days? i'd send you some samples if i could... maybe by the time it reaches you by post, it'll REALLY turn to blood. :D
From a former baby, my opinion is that yummy milk should not be wasted. Donate it to someone, like what Zoe Tay did, for example. Now there's a milk machine for you!
On the experiment, milk turning into burnt creme brulee? Hmmm .... If I ate it and it "came out", I wonder what the poo would smell like?
hi, i chance upon your blog via hana's blog. i was a bit surprised to see the baby nuha link there....cos my babe's name is nuha too. nuha izzah :). anyways, i think the BM turning into blood is an urban myth lah....
hi i bloghopped from hana's blog! ur baby's name nuha? i've always loved the name nuha - sounds very elegant with a good meaning, no less.. i even thought i'd name my future kid nuha! hehe..but now no kid yet la... so, BM turning to blood tuh cerita tak betul lah eh..
hana, hahaha - mmg urban legend pun, but I'll totally freak out if i receive ur milk in my mail!
ajab, she really did? My, how can i get my hands on some donated BM, eh?
Hi pinkyj- ur baby's name, so special! my 1st reaction - " biar betul!"
hi tea- yeah, i predict this place will be crawling with Nuha's soon
Ya, Aunty Anne, she did! And she was so proud of it too! It was reported in the press and everything. Kind of weird though, drinking milk from some other baby's mummy. Hmmmm ....
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