Apart from the hazards of shrinking brain cells that renders me a scatterbrain, motherhood has reduced me to a penny-pinching (or issit pennywise) female version of a scrooge. In my quest for the cheapest, best-bargain diapers available, I'd brave a thunderstorm and the maddening weekend crowd to get to Carrefour. I was lost for a while, drowned & jostled by other calculator-wielding mommies with their baby prams & shopping trolleys in the diaper aisle, and just my luck, I managed to grab the last, remaining M-size Pampers.
I wish there was someone there to take a pic of my satisfied grin (I'm sure I have that half-crazed look in my eyes), holding on to the bag of diaper like a precious loot.
At last, after stressing myself over the sale deadline, I can now sleep in peace.
True, I'm somewhat obsessed with diaper hunting. Pantang to see any catalogues with a diaper on sale, I'd whip out my trusted nokia with the modest calculator feature to see how much it costs per piece. If it's more than 38 cents, I'd click my tongue and complain "mahal nak mampos". Once I did this in front of MIL, and she immediately turn to Nunu and said in mirth"See, mama has to think of your 'jamban' all the time!".
Yeah, come to think of it, it's just a jamban for Nunu. Why bother so much, right? Well, it does bother me. This madness started when I was ripped off by a baby shop salesgirl to get this Fitti brand at RM38.90 for a 66pc pack. I was being too polite do my math in front of of her and just said OK lah, whateverlah. Imagine my horror when I found out it's 58 cents per piece!!! Wetness indicator, my foot! That time, I was used to the very, very cheap brands that costs 35 cents per piece since Nunu poops like, every other hour. Since turning four, she pees more and poops less, so getting her a medium quality nappy like Pampers sounds like the right thing to do. The superduperdeluxe luxury brand like the friggin' Fitti is exclusively for bedtime only.
Scrooge or not, unnecessary baby-related items always find their way into my shopping basket. New additions to Nunu's hoard of treasure are another pair of socks (but this one's different kind so I dont mind spending 10 bux for it), a sunny yellow dress & a cornflower blue dress (each at a discounted price of RM7.45), some pretty panties and a costly Raimond Lap Sleepy Baby CD. First time I tried it, the music is sooooo relaxing I immediately zonked out while lil Nunu is still nursing and very much awake.
Well, at least it worked. For me.
LOL!! my husband, the father, is the penny-pincher when it comes to baby's jamban! he'd whip out his PDA, calculate, goes tut-tut, and stores the price for future reference.
now we hv baby's passport, looks like he'll be dragging us across the causeway to buy diapers in bulk sooN!
gasp! another comment! hey, thnx fer droppin by. Nway, here upnorth u can choose dirtcheap diapers with names like babysoft, babylike, welove,etc. Alah, once in a while pakai yg murah2 takper punyer
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