Whatever it is, I don’t have to look for fenugreek anymore (thanks pinkyj) – or any other lactation booster for that matter – at least for now. I hope this very pleasing bodily function maintains its form. Perhaps I don’t hafta buy Nunu’s supplementing can of Nan for next month’s ration.
Some things have changed after the dreadful flu attack. The elders (MIL, Nanny, policlinic nurse) foretold that at Nunu’s age, a mild bout of illness will usually be accompanied by a new mark in her physical or mental development. “Nak pandai buat apa-apalah tu.” I looked at them in askance at first, after falling for the “milk-turn-to-blood” prank, I’m now more skeptical towards conservative hearsay.
Well, this time I believe them. Nunu is definitely more rambunctious. I can hardly change her diaper if I don’t pin her down with an elbow, or give her a bath without getting myself soaked too. She immediately turns on her belly when we put her down, and I even believe that she did some awkward caterpillar jigs to move about.
Other than that, Nunu doesn’t demand to be nursed to sleep any longer. If she’s very sleepy I can just place her in the cot, pat her bum or stroke her fine tufts of hair or simply cuddle her, sing some lullaby or nasyid or zikir. I hope this change of sleeping pattern lasts too. Except for last night, when she burst out probably from a nightmare – she slept pretty well. And there were numerous times when I just leave her on the playing mat and she dozed off afterwards. Could it be the drugs she’s been taking? Well, she hardly ingested any, coz I cleaned up a great deal of those dribbled medication off her lips, bibs and hankys.
But the biggest breakthrough, the one thing that I never thought she could get used to, is me bottlefeeding her. Yes, she took the bottle from me! Today. At work. I’m taking Nunu to work today. In fact, she’s right here on my lap, peering curiously at the keyboard and screen.
She’s getting restless now so I think I have to blog off for a moment now. Will update more after the long weekend holiday.
Oh darn, she barfed on my shirt.

Not kidding.
Oh no .... that's the start of the wild and happy times for Nunu, Aunty Anne! I think, like me, Nunu wants to make up for the lost time when she got ill. Now that she's better, she's all raring to go! But good for her that she's sleeping longer and better now too!
Barfed on your shirt? Muahahaha! Haven't done that in a long time. Would be nice to see B2 spill some on Mummy soon! :D
Alhamdulillah! but i think it's due to the marmet technique tau. when i was b/feeding i find that it's easier to express milk (but must aim properly eh) via marmet into a cup than the cumbersome pumps. come to think of it, dulu mak2 kita manalah ade pakai pump2 ni semua kan? too expensive then.
anne, i've been meaning to ask you. did you shave nuha's hair? or memang our nuhas are not blessed with thick hair like ajab & aniq :(.
lol! im sure the hair thing's just genetic, pinky. they'll grow thick and luscious soon enuf! :D
i must try this mamat, er, marmet thing too. it works eh? and yeah!! isnt it a relief when they finally decide Resistance Is Futile and take the bottle from us...
looks like nuha and aniq are going thru the same "pandai buat apa-apa" phases - the auto-pilot rollover when changing diapers and sleeping by himself. (he sucks his thumb to sleep, but whatever works, honey)... hurrah, babies! :D
pinkyj - i did shave Nunu's head for her aqiqah. Her hair - after being weighed at the our neighbourhood jeweller - was around RM40 worth of gold. Banyak jugak tu, LOL. But the slow growth, that's genetic, baby! I didnt have hair until i was 3 i think! And the marmet tech works like a charm...
Ajab, is nuha secretly exchanging notes with u beind my back? Coz I'm sure someone is teaching her all these!
Hana, u knw what? Give Marmet a try, and u'll feel a different kind of thrill!
Quick Nunu!! Hide the notes! Hide the notes!!
*Ajab whistles innocently* :D
i've never shaved my nuha's hair from birth & my mum also told me that my hair grew after i turned 2. nampaknye nuha will suffer the same fate as me...uh-oh.
cant seem to follow the instructions after reading it through! can someone give a live demo pls?? :D
Keep up the good work Need vicodin
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