Hmm, what new tricks can she do now? She can engage in a pretty intense conversation with her Abah now. She'd go "Ay, ay!" and "Gaaaah" and of her favourite line "Ngai, ngai!" when she's awfully hungry. Of course she thinks her constant babbles is comprehensible to us. Boy, she has no idea, does she!

the abah and the dot in deep conversation

She can't turn herself on her tum-tum yet, but she can focus on a book or a toy, get excited over it, and try to touch and hold it. Her neck and legs are much stronger and she can kick you pretty hard on the throat if you come to close. She can blow little bubbles with her drool and she can talk to the TV too. She doesn't purge that much anymore, neither does she poo that much. She gurgles and squels in delight at EVERY nappy change. Yes, even at 3 in the morning. You, lil'l sunshine, you *big yawn*
Hubby bought a baby hammock for Nunu so that she could fall asleep better, without having to go through endless hours falling asleep and waking up again a few minutes later as soon as I put her in the crib. It gets tiring for me these days. Well, I didn't mind this habit of hers at first. I thought we could cuddle up and fall asleep together on the couch. But after a week of battling her difficulty to get to sleep, I gave in. I can't get a single housework done at this rate! I never planned to have a baby hammock for Nunu, I never figured it would trouble me much and I can handle whatever sleeping patterns Nunu could possibly develop.
How wrong i was!
So, last night after her daily dosage of bedtime stories (told by the gentle, kindly voice from the DVD player), I carefully placed Nunu in the hammock. Her eyes sprang right open and she writhed and whimpered until I just had to pick her up and let her suckle back to sleep. After that, I tried to put her back in the hammock, ever so gently, and she WOKE UP AGAIN! Gosh, the pattern went on a few times, until at last, at 11.30 pm, I decided to put her in the crib, and she slept peacefully till 4 in the morning.
Fuh, who says motherhood is easy?
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